Brian Jabarian is the Howard and Nancy Marks Fellow at Chicago Booth Business School. Brian studies human experience, cognition and emergent technologies in different decision-making contexts. He uses behavioral theory, computational methods, and experimental settings.

Center for Applied Artificial Intelligence Research Affiliate
CESifo Research Network Affiliate

Research Interets
Behavioral Economics, Economics of AI,
Consumer Behavior, Judgment and Decision Making

Working Papers

Critical Thinking and Storytelling
with Elia Sartori
Updated version in preparation

“A Two-Ball Ellsberg Paradox”
with Simon Lazarus
new: Current version June 2024

Other Writing

Review and Methodology Articles

The Virtues of Lab Experiments” 
with Gary Charness, James Cox, Catherine Eckel, Charles Holt
Updated version in preparation

Generation Next: Experimentation with AI
with Gary Charness, John List
Updated version in preparation
new: Accepted at Nature Human Behaviour
Media: World Economic Forum, Chicago Booth Review, VoxEU Column

Book Chapters

LLMs for Behavioral Economics: Ensuring Internal Validity and Elicitating Mental Models
Current version June 2024
new: Entry under preparation for the Elgar Encyclopedia of Experimental Social Science

LLMs for Behavioral Economics: Endowing Mental Models to AI Agents and Generating Synthetic Data Generalization
Current version June 2024
new: Entry under preparation for the Elgar Encyclopedia of Experimental Social Science

“Black Boxes: Mental Models and AI Models”
Current version June 2024
new: Chapter under preparation for the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance

Policy Articles

“How generative AI can benefit scientific experiments”
with Gary Charness, John List
World Economic Forum, October 9, 2023

“Scientific experimentation with generative AI”
with Gary Charness, John List
VoxEU Column, October 16, 2023

Articles in Philosophy & Humanities

“Decision Under Normative Uncertainty”
with Franz Dietrich
Economics and Philosophy, 2022

“Axiomatics Foundation of Normative Uncertainty”
with Franz Dietrich
Working Paper, 2020 [accessible on request]

“The Risk Attitude Under Normative Uncertainty”
with Franz Dietrich
Working Paper, 2020 [accessible on request]

“The Moral Burden of Ambiguity: A Two-Ball Ellsberg Experiment”
invited by Alex Voorhoeve, Thomas Rowe, David Faraci
PEA Soup, P&PA Discussion Series, 2019

“Divine Luck, Moral Uncertainty, and the Book of Job”
Working Paper, 2017