Jabarian Remark Notebook Brian Jabarian Jabarian Remark Notebook Brian Jabarian

How to conduct inter-/multi-disciplinary research as an economist?

My economics dissertation, "The Economics of Moral Uncertainty," represents my triptych's third panel addressing moral uncertainty. This intricate choice-processing problem asks, "What should we do when uncertain about what we should do?

The final panel, my doctoral dissertation in economics at PSE, builds upon these pillars to explore moral uncertainty's economic and policy implications, utilizing methodologies from experimental economics, behavioral political economy, and behavioral macroeconomics.

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Jabarian Remark Notebook Brian Jabarian Jabarian Remark Notebook Brian Jabarian

Multidisciplinarity for Global Impact: Exploring Uncertainty through Art, Humanities, and Economics

I started to study moral uncertainty as a phenomenon emerging naturally from human finitude using two fields: the history of modern philosophy and moral phenomenology.

Then, once I had better defined its origins, I wondered how I could define more rigorously its conceptual frontiers to hopefully explore its further impacts, beyond individuals: on society. Here I realized the need of philosophy of science, ethics and philosophy of economics.

Finally, to observe and measure its consequences in society, I knew I ultimately needed tools from economics: behavioral and experimental economics.

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Jabarian Research Letter Brian Jabarian Jabarian Research Letter Brian Jabarian

To What Extent Are People Willing to Avoid Uncertainty?

Previous research in economics, specifically Daniel Ellsberg's seminal work, has shown that individuals tend to exhibit ambiguity aversion, i.e., avoid choosing ambiguous options — options for which individuals cannot access precise probabilities of possible outcomes.

The literature standardly assumes that this aversion stems from the belief that ambiguous options may result in worse outcomes than risky or certain options. Hence, ambiguity aversion is conceptualized as a choice-outcome phenomenon.

My job market paper presents…

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